FLUKERS Black Nightlight Bulb

FLUKERS Black Nightlight Bulb

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{from the manufacturer}

Fluker's incandescent light bulbs provide the radiant heat (infrared light) that reptiles need. Reptiles are ectothermic and depend on their environmental temperature to regulate their core body temperature. If a reptile is not provided an appropriate environmental temperature range (ETR) it may be predisposed to chronic infections. Because ETR's vary from specie to species, ask your pet professional to review available literature for guidance in determining the appropriate ETR for your pet. Fluker's has provided an easy-to-read reference table to simplify bulb selection based on the distance the bulb will be placed from the reptile.

Distance from bulb                           6"                                   12"                                   18"

40 Watt                   110 degrees Fahrenheit 95 degrees Fahrenheit 80 degrees Fahrenheit
60 Watt 120 degrees Fahrenheit 101 degrees Fahrenheit 89 degrees Fahrenheit
75 Watt N/R  115 degrees Fahrenheit 95 degrees Fahrenheit
100 Watt N/R N/R 106 degrees Fahrenheit
150 Watt N/R N/R 120 degrees Fahrenheit

*Temperatures average at specified distances; may vary based on size or type of enclosure. All testing performed at 68 degrees Fahrenheit room temperature. N/R: Not Recommended for reptile exposure.



Gently fasten the Fluker's incandescent bulb intoa Fluker Clamp Lamp or Hood or any UL approved incandescnet fixture. do not plug light fixture into an electrical socket until bulb is fastened firmly to fixture. Place light fixture outside of reptiles's enclosure. NEVER place the light fixture inside the enclosure. Reptiles can develop life-threatening thermal burns from contact with an exposed light bulb. Multiple incandescent lights may be required to establish an appropriate ETR. A Fluker's thermometer can be used to monitor temperature within the reptile's environment. Reptile behavior is directly tied to photoperiiod (light cycle), so it is important to provide appropriate intervals o flight and darkness. Fluker's recommenda a 12-hour day/ 12-hour night light cycle. A Fluker's Daytime bulb should be used during the daytime cycle.